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ENSURE Public Notice

                                                         Europe for Citizens

The project «European Network for the Cohesion and Solidarity in Rural areas» was funded with the support of the European Union under the Programme "Europe for Citizens"


Six events have been carried out within the project:

Event 1


The event involved 55 citizens from 12 countries, including 2 participants from the Municipality Trudovets (Bulgaria), 2 participants from the Hranicka Rozvojova Agentura (Czech Republic), 1 participant from the University of Thessaly (Greece), 2 participants from the Kistarcsai Kulturális Egyesület (Hungary), 1 participant from the Associazione Alessandro Bartola  (Italy), 2 participants from the Ligatne Municipality (Latvia), 2 participants from the  Municipalitie Kolasin (Montenegro), 2 participants from the Municipality of Lask (Poland), 2 participants from the Alba County Council (Romania), 2 participants from the Fond „Evropski poslovi“ Autonomne Pokrajine Vojvodine (Serbia), 2 participants from the Federacion de Municipios de Madrid (Spain), and 35 participants from the Razvojno Informacijski Center Slovenska Bistrica (Slovenia).


The event took place in Slovenska Bistrica (Slovenia) from 18/10/2017  to 20/10/2017
Short description:  The aim of the event was to kick-off the project, and learn about the needs, characteristics and commonalities of rural areas across Europe which were represented by partners in the project. 


Event 2


The event involved 111 citizens from 13 countries, including 3 participants from the Municipality Trudovets (Bulgaria), 3 participants from the Hranicka Rozvojova Agentura (Czech Republic), 2 participants from the University of Thessaly (Greece), 2 participants from the Kistarcsai Kulturális Egyesület (Hungary), 3 participants from the Associazione Alessandro Bartola  (Italy), 3 participants from the Ligatne Municipality (Latvia), 3 participants from the  Municipalitie Kolasin (Montenegro), 4 participants from the Municipality of Lask (Poland), 3 participants from the Alba County Council (Romania), 3 participants from the Fond „Evropski poslovi“ Autonomne Pokrajine Vojvodine (Serbia), 3 participants from the Federacion de Municipios de Madrid (Spain), 3 participants from the Razvojno Informacijski Center Slovenska Bistrica (Slovenia), and 76 participants from the LAG „Central Istria“ (Croatia).


The event took place in Pazin, Porec, Motvun (Croatia), from 11/04/2018  to 13/04/2018
Short description:  The aim of the event was to get a deeper understanding of Agricultural Policy (CAP) as a policy linked to EU identity and of rural citizens' approach to the EU integration process.


Event 3


The event involved 109 citizens from 13 countries, including 3 participants from the Municipality Trudovets (Bulgaria), 3 participants from the Hranicka Rozvojova Agentura (Czech Republic), 1 participant from the University of Thessaly (Greece), 3 participants from the Kistarcsai Kulturális Egyesület (Hungary), 3 participants from the Associazione Alessandro Bartola  (Italy), 3 participants from the Ligatne Municipality (Latvia), 3 participants from the  Municipalitie Kolasin (Montenegro), 4 participants from the Municipality of Lask (Poland), 3 participants from the Alba County Council (Romania), 3 participants from the Fond „Evropski poslovi“ Autonomne Pokrajine Vojvodine (Serbia), 3 participants from the Razvojno Informacijski Center Slovenska Bistrica (Slovenia), 3 participants from the LAG „Central Istria“ (Croatia), and 76 participants from the Federacion de Municipios de Madrid (Spain).

Location/ Dates:

The event took place in San Martin De Valdeiglesias, Madrid, San Lorenzo, and in  El Escorial (Spain), from 06/06/2018 to 08/06/2018
Short description:  The aim of the event was to exchange tools for solidarity locally and in the EU in a multilevel approach, as well as deepen understanding of community-led local development and participatory democracy- role of LAGs and CSOs.


Event 4


The event involved 118 citizens from 13 countries, including 3 participants from the Municipality Trudovets (Bulgaria), 3 participants from the Hranicka Rozvojova Agentura (Czech Republic), 3 participants from the University of Thessaly (Greece), 3 participants from the Kistarcsai Kulturális Egyesület (Hungary), 3 participants from the Ligatne Municipality (Latvia), 3 participants from the  Municipalitie Kolasin (Montenegro), 4 participants from the Municipality of Lask (Poland), 3 participants from the Alba County Council (Romania), 3 participants from the Fond „Evropski poslovi“ Autonomne Pokrajine Vojvodine (Serbia), 3 participants from the Razvojno Informacijski Center Slovenska Bistrica (Slovenia), 3 participants from the LAG „Central Istria“ (Croatia), 4 participants from the Federacion de Municipios de Madrid (Spain), and 82 participants from the Associazione Alessandro Bartola (Italy). 

Location/ Dates:

The event took place in Pesaro, and in Ancona (Italy), from 15/10/2018  to 17/10/2018
Short description: The aim of the event was to deepen understanding of participatory democracy in local development strategies, and to better understand bottlenecks of the EU citizenship and EU democratic tools, and the role of local administration.


Event 5 


The event involved 120 citizens from 12 countries, including 1 participant from the Municipality Trudovets (Bulgaria), 1 participant from the Hranicka Rozvojova Agentura (Czech Republic), 1 participant from the Kistarcsai Kulturális Egyesület (Hungary), 1 participant from the Ligatne Municipality (Latvia), 1 participant from the  Municipalitie Kolasin (Montenegro), 2 participants from the Municipality of Lask (Poland), 1 participant from the Alba County Council (Romania), 1 participant from the Fond „Evropski poslovi“ Autonomne Pokrajine Vojvodine (Serbia), 1 participant from the Razvojno Informacijski Center Slovenska Bistrica (Slovenia), 1 participant from the LAG „Central Istria“ (Croatia), 1 participant from the Federacion de Municipios de Madrid (Spain), and 108 participants from the University of Thessaly (Greece).

Location/ Dates:

The event took place in Volos (Greece), from 18/03/2019  to 20/03/2019
Short description:  The aim of the event was to master the final publication of the project, and to connect with students of Thesally University, as a part of the question how we can impact the young generation to be active citizens. 


Event 6


The event involved 120 citizens from 13 countries, including 4 participants from the Municipality Trudovets (Bulgaria), 3 participants from the Hranicka Rozvojova Agentura (Czech Republic), 3 participants from the Kistarcsai Kulturális Egyesület (Hungary), 3 participants from the Ligatne Municipality (Latvia), 3 participants from the  Municipalitie Kolasin (Montenegro), 4 participants from the Municipality of Lask (Poland), 3 participants from the Alba County Council (Romania), 3 participants from the Fond „Evropski  poslovi“ Autonomne Pokrajine Vojvodine (Serbia), 3 participants from the LAG „Central Istria“ (Croatia), 3 participants from the Federacion de Municipios de Madrid (Spain), 3 participants from the University of Thessaly (Greece), 1 participant from the Associazione Alessandro Bartola (Italy), and 84 participants from the Razvojno Informacijski Center Slovenska Bistrica (Slovenia).


The event took place in Slovenska  Bistrica (Slovenia), from 05/06/2019 to 07/06/2019
Short description:  The aim of the event was to evaluate and consider setting of the ENSuRe Network NGO. It was also to gain current insight into the theme of the project: Euroscepticism and solidarity in the light of the EP elections.

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