The project «European Network for the Cohesion and Solidarity in Rural areas» was funded with the support of the European Union under the Programme "Europe for Citizens" |
Six events have been carried out within the project:
Participation: The event involved 55 citizens from 12 countries, including 2 participants from the Municipality Trudovets (Bulgaria), 2 participants from the Hranicka Rozvojova Agentura (Czech Republic), 1 participant from the University of Thessaly (Greece), 2 participants from the Kistarcsai Kulturális Egyesület (Hungary), 1 participant from the Associazione Alessandro Bartola (Italy), 2 participants from the Ligatne Municipality (Latvia), 2 participants from the Municipalitie Kolasin (Montenegro), 2 participants from the Municipality of Lask (Poland), 2 participants from the Alba County Council (Romania), 2 participants from the Fond „Evropski poslovi“ Autonomne Pokrajine Vojvodine (Serbia), 2 participants from the Federacion de Municipios de Madrid (Spain), and 35 participants from the Razvojno Informacijski Center Slovenska Bistrica (Slovenia). Location/Dates: The event took place in Slovenska Bistrica (Slovenia) from 18/10/2017 to 20/10/2017
Event 2
The event involved 111 citizens from 13 countries, including 3 participants from the Municipality Trudovets (Bulgaria), 3 participants from the Hranicka Rozvojova Agentura (Czech Republic), 2 participants from the University of Thessaly (Greece), 2 participants from the Kistarcsai Kulturális Egyesület (Hungary), 3 participants from the Associazione Alessandro Bartola (Italy), 3 participants from the Ligatne Municipality (Latvia), 3 participants from the Municipalitie Kolasin (Montenegro), 4 participants from the Municipality of Lask (Poland), 3 participants from the Alba County Council (Romania), 3 participants from the Fond „Evropski poslovi“ Autonomne Pokrajine Vojvodine (Serbia), 3 participants from the Federacion de Municipios de Madrid (Spain), 3 participants from the Razvojno Informacijski Center Slovenska Bistrica (Slovenia), and 76 participants from the LAG „Central Istria“ (Croatia). Location/Dates: The event took place in Pazin, Porec, Motvun (Croatia), from 11/04/2018 to 13/04/2018
Event 3
The event involved 109 citizens from 13 countries, including 3 participants from the Municipality Trudovets (Bulgaria), 3 participants from the Hranicka Rozvojova Agentura (Czech Republic), 1 participant from the University of Thessaly (Greece), 3 participants from the Kistarcsai Kulturális Egyesület (Hungary), 3 participants from the Associazione Alessandro Bartola (Italy), 3 participants from the Ligatne Municipality (Latvia), 3 participants from the Municipalitie Kolasin (Montenegro), 4 participants from the Municipality of Lask (Poland), 3 participants from the Alba County Council (Romania), 3 participants from the Fond „Evropski poslovi“ Autonomne Pokrajine Vojvodine (Serbia), 3 participants from the Razvojno Informacijski Center Slovenska Bistrica (Slovenia), 3 participants from the LAG „Central Istria“ (Croatia), and 76 participants from the Federacion de Municipios de Madrid (Spain). Location/ Dates: The event took place in San Martin De Valdeiglesias, Madrid, San Lorenzo, and in El Escorial (Spain), from 06/06/2018 to 08/06/2018
Participation: The event involved 118 citizens from 13 countries, including 3 participants from the Municipality Trudovets (Bulgaria), 3 participants from the Hranicka Rozvojova Agentura (Czech Republic), 3 participants from the University of Thessaly (Greece), 3 participants from the Kistarcsai Kulturális Egyesület (Hungary), 3 participants from the Ligatne Municipality (Latvia), 3 participants from the Municipalitie Kolasin (Montenegro), 4 participants from the Municipality of Lask (Poland), 3 participants from the Alba County Council (Romania), 3 participants from the Fond „Evropski poslovi“ Autonomne Pokrajine Vojvodine (Serbia), 3 participants from the Razvojno Informacijski Center Slovenska Bistrica (Slovenia), 3 participants from the LAG „Central Istria“ (Croatia), 4 participants from the Federacion de Municipios de Madrid (Spain), and 82 participants from the Associazione Alessandro Bartola (Italy). Location/ Dates: The event took place in Pesaro, and in Ancona (Italy), from 15/10/2018 to 17/10/2018
Event 5 Participation: The event involved 120 citizens from 12 countries, including 1 participant from the Municipality Trudovets (Bulgaria), 1 participant from the Hranicka Rozvojova Agentura (Czech Republic), 1 participant from the Kistarcsai Kulturális Egyesület (Hungary), 1 participant from the Ligatne Municipality (Latvia), 1 participant from the Municipalitie Kolasin (Montenegro), 2 participants from the Municipality of Lask (Poland), 1 participant from the Alba County Council (Romania), 1 participant from the Fond „Evropski poslovi“ Autonomne Pokrajine Vojvodine (Serbia), 1 participant from the Razvojno Informacijski Center Slovenska Bistrica (Slovenia), 1 participant from the LAG „Central Istria“ (Croatia), 1 participant from the Federacion de Municipios de Madrid (Spain), and 108 participants from the University of Thessaly (Greece). Location/ Dates: The event took place in Volos (Greece), from 18/03/2019 to 20/03/2019
Event 6 Participation: The event involved 120 citizens from 13 countries, including 4 participants from the Municipality Trudovets (Bulgaria), 3 participants from the Hranicka Rozvojova Agentura (Czech Republic), 3 participants from the Kistarcsai Kulturális Egyesület (Hungary), 3 participants from the Ligatne Municipality (Latvia), 3 participants from the Municipalitie Kolasin (Montenegro), 4 participants from the Municipality of Lask (Poland), 3 participants from the Alba County Council (Romania), 3 participants from the Fond „Evropski poslovi“ Autonomne Pokrajine Vojvodine (Serbia), 3 participants from the LAG „Central Istria“ (Croatia), 3 participants from the Federacion de Municipios de Madrid (Spain), 3 participants from the University of Thessaly (Greece), 1 participant from the Associazione Alessandro Bartola (Italy), and 84 participants from the Razvojno Informacijski Center Slovenska Bistrica (Slovenia). Location/Dates: The event took place in Slovenska Bistrica (Slovenia), from 05/06/2019 to 07/06/2019 |
»Z vpisom svojega e-naslova in s klikom na gumb »Pošlji« dajem prostovoljno in izrecno privolitev, da lahko Razvojno informacijski center Slovenska Bistrica moje spodaj vpisane osebne podatke zbira in obdeluje ter jih uporablja za komunikacijo z mano in me po elektronski pošti, telefonu ali pisno obvešča v zvezi z aktualnimi dogodki ter ponudbo storitev, ki jih izvaja.«
Ta privolitev je dana za čas do preklica. Svojo odločitev o privolitvi lahko kadarkoli prekličete, tako da kliknete povezavo za odjavo v nogi elektronskega sporočila, ki ga prejmete z naše strani, ali pa nas kontaktirate na S podano zahtevo po odjavi s seznama za obveščanje bo vaš osebni podatek izbrisan iz predmetnih zbirk podatkov. Ravno tako imate pravico vpogleda in posredovanja informacije, katere vaše osebne podatke Razvojno informacijski center Slovenska Bistrica hrani v zbirki podatkov, do spremembe ali dopolnitve osebnih podatkov. V tem primeru nas kontaktirate na ter izrazite svojo zahtevo po vpogledu. Z vašimi osebnimi podatki bomo ravnali skladno z zakonskimi določbami, strokovno in odgovorno.
»Z vpisom svojega e-naslova naslova in s klikom na gumb »Pošlji« izrecno potrjujem, da sem seznanjen(-a) z vsebino privolitve ter s pravicami do vpogleda, prepisa, kopiranja, dopolnitve, popravka, blokiranja in izbrisa mojih osebnih podatkov ter s pravico do vložitve pritožbe.« Upravljavec osebnih podatkov je Razvojno informacijski center Slovenska Bistrica, Trg svobode 5, 2310 Slovenska Bistrica. Za vse informacije v zvezi z vašimi osebnimi podatki se lahko obrnete na Vaše podatke bomo obravnavali diskretno. Več informacij glede zakonskih določil varstva osebnih podatkov najdete na spletni strani